Geordie Shore Remove Holly Hagan From TV Reality Show Series

After news of the dismissal of Sophie from the show Geordie Shore, Holly Hagan who has dyed purple and red hairstyle color, Holly and Vikky Pattison were arrested by local police according to reports on alleged has acted less commendable and violating human rights in the event of confrotation is in Newcastle nightclub Florita's Bar.

‘In the end, everyone from Geordie Shore had to leave. The show has its own security for filming and they also got involved, everyone was trying to calm Vicky down.

According to eyewitnesses, Hannah Kelso, age 18, she works as a model of and is well known as you see her out in town with her twin sister is a victim, she injured hit by a shoe with blood profusely flowing. The caused of that incident, Hannah was taken directly to the hospital nearby and she had to be treated and got eight stitches to an eye wound.

So now, Geordie Shore filming of the MTV reality show has been suspended after two female cast-members were Arrested having allegedly been involved in a late-night bar fight.

Hagan's spokesman later said, 'Holly vehemently denies being involved in any violent incident whatsoever. "A source revealed:' Gaz and James from the show were at one table and a group of girls at the table next to them. Vicky got involved in an altercation with the girls at the table and Suddenly all hell broke lose.